Interested in learning about bio-intensive farming directly from a knowledgeable, local, small-scale farmer?
We’re hiring! Help spread the word
SCLT is looking for an experienced professional to become our Director of Farmland Access and Education.
SCLT helps Sweet Pea Farm find a home in Charlestown, RI
For years Kathan Teepe had been looking for farmland where she could raise vegetables to sell through her own CSA, and where she could cultivate flowers for extra income.
Artists use SCLT-grown plants to connect people with food and farms
During the growing season gorgeous produce in every hue and shape is artfully displayed in farmers market booths. This fall, vegetables grown by SCLT farmers (and others) became the subject of an artist’s work on view at a Providence gallery.
Expanding the market for locally grown, specialty produce
Besides offering technical training and affordable land to beginning farmers, in 2017, SCLT pooled immigrant and refugee farmers’ produce and sold it directly to wholesale markets, enabling farmers to add to their skills and reinvest in their businesses.
Pawtucket/Central Falls HEZ celebrates success
PAWTUCKET – Talk about a truly “good news” story. To celebrate its report to the community and to highlight the successes of the past year, the Pawtucket/Central Falls Health Equity Zone held a farm to table dinner at the Hope Artiste Village on Sept. 26.
Harvesting Hope: Gracie’s Chef Matt Varga on Growing RI’s Food Systems
This year’s Harvesting Hope fundraiser to benefit the Southside Community Land Trust (SCLT) will feature a menu designed by Gracie’s executive chef Matt Varga ’05 that will draw almost exclusively from local farmers, purveyors and brewers.
Pulp Fiction
This profile of Pawtucket artist May Babcock, who partners with SCLT to offer workshops at Galego Community Farm, appeared in Take magazine in July, 2017.
The Manton Avenue Project Teaches Kids to Tell Their Own Stories
It’s a bitterly cold day in March, all bite and bluster, but Hope Artiste Village in Pawtucket is warm. And it smells like cake.