SCLT is known for our programming to bring equity to local food production and access. Within this work, the collection, or aggregation, and distribution of fresh produce has been turbocharged since 2022, when SCLT and other food sector partners entered into an initial $475,000 contract with the state.
Southside Community Land Trust gets $600K from feds to help new farmers
CRANSTON – The Southside Community Land Trust has launched a $600,000 federally funded initiative to help beginning farmers access resources, tools and training, Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., announced Tuesday.
Supporting the farmers who feed us
Two years ago, SCLT received one of the largest grants in its history: nearly $600,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute for Food and Agriculture, to be spent over three years. The funds would provide training and other support for beginning farmers and help increase the acreage for food production in Rhode Island. SCLT would share funding with several local partners to achieve these objectives.
Nonprofit awarded nearly $600k to help beginning farmers
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP)—A nonprofit in Providence has been awarded nearly $600,000 in federal funding to help expand training opportunities for beginning farmers and ranchers throughout Rhode Island.
New farming apprenticeship being offered
Photo Caption: SCLT’s Rich Pederson with City Farm Apprentice Nayeema Eusuf.
By LEIGH VINCOLA/ecoRI News contributor
PROVIDENCE—This growing season the Southside Community Land Trust (SCLT) will introduce a farming apprenticeship specifically designed for veterans and minorities. Funded by a grant from the USDA’s Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Program, this is the first opportunity of its kind in the area.