Want to learn about regenerative farming directly from an experienced local farmer?
Farm Apprentices Sought for 2019 Season
SCLT is looking for five full-time apprentices for the 2019 season to work on local farms. Apprentices will acquire in-depth farm skills from farm mentors, and participate in farm tours, classes and network-building opportunities.
Seeking Farm Apprentices for 2018 season
Interested in learning about bio-intensive farming directly from a knowledgeable, local, small-scale farmer?
Apprenticeships expected to expand and diversify farm ownership in RI
Photo caption: Santa Toribio, an apprentice at Pat’s Pastured Farm.
Santa Toribio’s introduction to animal husbandry came over two decades ago, when she was a university student in Santo Domingo studying veterinary sciences. However, prior to this past summer when she received an SCLT apprentice position at Pat’s Pastured Farm, she had never worked on a small-scale, sustainable livestock farm.
Apprentice program grows food and community
By LEIGH VINCOLA/ecoRI News contributor
PROVIDENCE — This growing season the Southside Community Land Trust (SCLT) will introduce a farming apprenticeship specifically designed for veterans and minorities. Funded by a grant from the USDA’s Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Program, this is the first opportunity of its kind in the area.