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Apprenticeships expected to expand and diversify farm ownership in RI

Photo caption: Santa Toribio, an apprentice at Pat’s Pastured Farm.

Santa Toribio’s introduction to animal husbandry came over two decades ago, when she was a university student in Santo Domingo studying veterinary sciences. However, prior to this past summer when she received an SCLT apprentice position at Pat’s Pastured Farm, she had never worked on a small-scale, sustainable livestock farm.

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Food for thought served at Community Table

From artisan chocolate makers to school administrators, exercise physiologists to SNAP outreach workers, a group of people invested in the state of local food and public health gathered at the Social Enterprise Greenhouse’s Community Table on Sept. 27.

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New garden lets West African elders grow familiar food

Usually it takes somewhere between several months to a year or more for a new garden or urban farm to go from the idea stage to completion (with design and planning, funding, installation and planting in between). So, when a garden for the nonprofit Higher Ground International was built within two months of being proposed, some of its clients called it a miracle.

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