In a partnership with the University of Rhode Island, the US Department of Agriculture is funding a new scholarship program for youth from populations underrepresented in the sciences who want to pursue Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems studies at the college level.
This is great news for youth of color from Providence and Pawtucket/Central Falls involved with SCLT as high school youth staff and Food Systems Interns. For years, SCLT has been engaging youth from the communities where we have community gardens and urban farms in learning about healthy food, regenerative agriculture, food access and healthy equity. Roughly 40 high school youth and young adults throughout the year work at SCLT, learning about and building skills needed to build healthier communities and a stronger local food system. They are exposed to new careers and meet people in these fields where good jobs often go unfilled due to the lack of adequately prepared candidates. Scholarship funds from URI will open new doors and further prepare students from the communities we serve.
SCLT is hosting two info sessions about the scholarship program with URI’s John Taylor, director of the university’s Multicultural Scholars Program. The first will be on Thurs., Oct, 31, from 4-6 pm at SCLT’s office (109 Somerset Street in Providence). The second will be on Fri, Nov. 8, 4-6 pm at Harvest Kitchen (2 Bayley Street in Pawtucket). Please contact Isabelle at 401-273-9419 ext. 109 for more information.
Scholarship Details:
- Beginning in the fall of 2020, five individuals will be eligible for scholarship that provide $6,500/year for expenses, plus paid summer fellowships, other research projects and support and mentoring from industry leaders and academic counselors.
- Students may enroll in undergraduate programs, including Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems, Animal Science & Technology, Aquaculture & Fisheries Science, Cell and Molecular Biology, Environmental Science & Management, Marine Affairs, and Plant Sciences. Majoring (as a single or double major) or minoring in Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems will be required of all Scholars.
- Eligible candidates 1) have been (or will be) accepted for the fall 2020 undergraduate class, 2) are U.S. citizens/permanent residents, 3) have not been previously enrolled in a bachelor’s program in the agricultural or related sciences, and 4) are from a group underrepresented in the sciences.
Please see the attached flyer (in English, as well as Spanish, French, Nepali, and Kirundi) for more information.