Curious about Good Earth Farm, SCLT’s latest land acquisition? You can visit this lovely farm on the site of the historic Knight Dairy in Hope, RI, and learn more about why this purchase is so significant for small-scale farmers in our state.

On Saturday, September 25, Good Earth Farm will host a tour from 11 am to 12 pm as part of RI Land Trust Days, an annual series of events that introduce Rhode Islanders to the little-known properties held in trust across the state. You can register for this event here.
The Good Earth Farm tour will include a walk around some of the 20-acre property and a talk by SCLT’s Land Access Manager, Matt Tracy. Matt has helped guide the ownership transition and preserve the legacy of its founders, John and Joyce Holscher, who established it as the first certified organic farm in the state. SCLT will lease the farm’s 9 acres of arable land, barns, heated greenhouses, hoop houses and more to aspiring farmers who would otherwise be unable to farm because of the state’s extraordinarily expensive farmland. The Good Earth now leases acreage to 12 farmers working for 5 farms.
You can visit the site any Saturday this fall when its farm stand is open, between 10 am and 2 pm. Good Earth Farm is located at 1800 Scituate Ave., in Hope RI. Look for greenhouses, and the entrance to the parking area is through the red farm gate on Pippin Orchard Road.
To learn more about all Land Trust Days events this fall, click here.