(401) 273-9419

This year’s Urban Ag Kick-off set for April 8

SCLT’s Urban Ag Kick Off is a fun time to reconnect with neighbors, learn about sustainable  growing practices, and stock up on resources, like free, non-GMO seeds and low-cost,  organic fertilizer. But the most tangible benefit for SCLT members is being able to take home 50 gallons of free, high-quality, organic compost! (Make sure you sign up or re-new  either before or during the event.)

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Say hello to our new staff

If you stop by our office or attend upcoming programs you’ll notice we’ve made some staff changes lately. After eight years at SCLT, Michelle Walker has moved on to pursue a career in the theater (where she’s drawing great reviews!). Agnieszka Rosner came on board January 1 as our new development and administrative coordinator. Also, last year’s City Farm Apprentice, Craig Demi, became a  part-time special projects coordinator in November.

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